The present section is only a starting point for creating digital tools on Ethical and Professional Conduct in the EU. First, you can see the Main sources of Ethics and Professional Rules, which can be read and where you can learn more Literature in the field of Ethics. The team have studied the Ethical Codes of 27 EU MSs and others countries and institutions, which results are incorporated in the Atlas. There you can find more information about the existing ethical rules in the EU countries and download them. In the section you can find information about the main concepts of Judicial Ethics and Professional Conduct through the specially created Glossary. You have access to a database of case law for magistrates (ECtHR).


The answer of how many of the 27 EU member states have one code for all magistrates and how many have two codes: for judges and prosecutors, is presented on the following figure:

EU countries with different codes for magistrates


Information about the timeline of adoption of ethical codes in each EU member states relative to the year of adoption of the Bangalore Principles is shown in the figures below:


Timeline of adoption of EPC rules vs Bangalore principles, for judges


Timeline of adoption of EPC rules vs Bangalore principles, for prosecutors


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