Information technologies in Law

Using of legal technologies:

  • searching, analyzing, processing of case law;
  • completion of forms/certificates in the field of judicial cooperation;
  • evidence interpretation through forensic examinations;
  • machine translation and transformation of text/speech;
  • online judicial proceedings during the COVID-19;
  • have added value to efficiency, coping with time-limits and stress, tailoring judicial maps and reducing the number of EU magistrates.





  • biases on race, sex, mature, poverty, etc., incorporated in source code
  • do not analyzing the black box effect
  • “Deepfake”
  • profiling of magistrates by the parties
  • exerting influence over the inner conviction of magistrates by the case-law data



  • Lack of legal experts who would take part in writing the source code
  • Unknown  the data and applied algorithm of the software programs
  • Program language is unverifiable



  • Upgrading the known ethical rules
  • Human review of significant decisions, which were made by Automated decision-making (ADM) –  Decision of CJEU from 07.11.2018 of joint cases C-293/17 and C-294/17
  • magistrates apply the EU Law in a complex environment
  • IT world should be protected by classic and current legal instruments






Our proposal for new ethical rule 

Innovations shall be applied under strict control of magistrates in order to ensure transparent, effective and based on human-centered approach and in line with the fundamental rights and procedural guarantees for delivering justice of high quality.


Bibliography on using Legal technologies

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